Saturday, May 15, 2021

"Fans Polled Over Which Anime Or Manga Should Be Live-Action And Most Replied 'None'" from

Link to the article.

I find it funny that Demon Slayer got 2nd place. I guess the Japanese who voted for that wanted to see the irony of an extremely Japanese setting being played by foreign actors or something. Although the difference between 1st and 2nd is massive, while 2nd and 3rd's tiny. Attack on Titan (the 3rd one) at least makes sense since I believe the characters are canonically European or something (I haven't watched AoT)? Also surprised that JoJo is in the list. Japan did make a their own live-action of the series. I haven't watched it but based on my first impressions it seems like they haven't captured the beloved bizarre and flamboyant personality JoJo has. It's like a different thing altogether.

Honestly, I see the issues of both sides. The West looks down on animation. I don't want to generalize, but it seems that's the reason why most Western animations are either for kids or one of those ironic adult cartoons drawn in a simple but aesthetically unpleasing style that relies too much on sarcastic, snarky, violent, sex, and drunken humour. Some things are just better expressed as animation as opposed to live-action, in my opinion. There's also the issue of Western adaptations completely butchering the Japanese aspects of these manga, which is quite disrespectful.

You could say that the West not taking animation seriously results in animation that prioritizes quality over quantity, but eh. I find Japan's view on animation much more appealing and less condescending.

At the same time, I think some people are hating too much. Yes, people can have their opinions. Don't get me wrong, I've just written why Hollywood adaptions of anime/manga wouldn't work, and I would have also voted for "none" as well. I don't think I'd watch them seriously. If I do, I'd probably do it out of curiosity. I just think the hate goes out of hand sometimes, unless of course if the adaptation is just downright disrespectful. But hey, that's just my opinion.

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